At Lark Finserv Private Limited ("Lark"), we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethics, integrity, and professionalism in all our operations and interactions. This Code of Conduct outlines the principles and guidelines that every employee, officer, director, contractor, and business partner ("Associates") of Lark must adhere to. By following this Code, we aim to build and uphold trust with our clients, stakeholders, and the communities we serve.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations:

All Associates must comply with applicable laws, rules, and regulations in all aspects of their work. This includes but is not limited to financial regulations, data protection laws, and any other laws relevant to our business operations.

Ethical Conduct:

We expect all Associates to act ethically and honestly in their dealings with colleagues, clients, partners, and the public. Avoid conflicts of interest and maintain objectivity in all decision-making processes.


Associates must respect the confidentiality of sensitive information they come across during their work at Lark. This includes client data, trade secrets, proprietary information, and any other confidential information related to the company.

Anti-discrimination and Inclusivity:

Lark is committed to providing a diverse and inclusive workplace. We do not tolerate discrimination based on race, gender, religion, ethnicity, disability, or any other protected characteristic.

Protection of Company Assets:

All Associates must use company assets, including equipment, intellectual property, and resources, solely for legitimate business purposes and protect them from misuse, theft, or damage.

Avoidance of Corruption and Bribery:

Lark strictly prohibits offering, soliciting, or accepting bribes or any other form of corrupt practices. Associates must not engage in activities that could be perceived as bribery or influence-peddling

Fair Competition:

We believe in fair and open competition. Associates must not engage in any anti-competitive practices, price-fixing, bid-rigging, or other activities that could harm fair market competition.

Accuracy of Records and Reporting:

Associates are responsible for maintaining accurate and reliable records of their work and ensuring that all financial and non-financial reporting is truthful and transparent.

Protection of Customer Information:

Lark values its clients' trust and confidentiality. Associates must handle customer information responsibly and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.

Environmental Responsibility:

WWe strive to minimize our environmental impact and promote sustainable practices. Associates are encouraged to participate in eco-friendly initiatives and reduce waste.

Reporting Violations:

Any Associate who becomes aware of a violation of this Code of Conduct or any unethical behavior must report it promptly through the appropriate channels, such as the company's internal reporting mechanisms or to senior management.

Consequences of Non-Compliance:

Violation of this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or business relationship with Lark, depending on the severity and nature of the violation.

By following this Code of Conduct, we can collectively uphold Lark's reputation, foster a positive work environment, and achieve our business objectives while serving the best interests of our clients and stakeholders.

Date of Adoption: 1st Aug 2023

This Code of Conduct applies to all Associates of Lark Finserv Private Limited, including employees, officers, directors, contractors, and business partners